(Calligraphy course)
課題の核心 (The Essence of Our Challenge)
- 手書きのメッセージが心を動かすと信じていますか?簡単な手紙やメモでも、美しい筆跡が心を温め、相手に特別な気持ちを伝えることができるのではないでしょうか?
- Do you believe that a handwritten message can touch the heart? Even a simple letter or note, with beautiful handwriting, can warm a heart and convey special feelings, can it not?
- 美しい文字を学びたいという想いはあるものの、忙しい日常の中で、いつ、どこで、どのように学べば良いのか分からず、諦めてしまっているのではありませんか?
- Have you ever wanted to learn beautiful writing, but amidst a busy daily life, found yourself giving up because you didn’t know when, where, or how to learn?
- 外国から見た、日本の書道の深みや美しさに魅かれ、実際に学びたいと切望しているのではないでしょうか?
- From a foreign perspective, have you been captivated by the depth and beauty of Japanese calligraphy, earnestly desiring to learn it firsthand?
- また、日本の伝統としての書道の魅力を、外国の友人や知人に伝え、心のこもったプレゼントとして贈りたいと思いませんか?
- And don’t you wish to convey the charm of calligraphy, as a tradition of Japan, to your foreign friends and acquaintances, presenting it as a heartfelt gift?
私たちが提供する解決策 (Our Solutions, Tailored Just for You)
Guidance with Heart: It is said that your handwriting reveals your inner self. While the beauty of characters is determined by brush technique and overall balance, it is your inner heart that is painted therein. From the secrets of superficially beautiful handwriting to the profound depths of calligraphy that draws out the soul, we provide heartfelt guidance.
Learn at Your Pace: Choose from online guidance to home visit lessons within the commuting area from Tokyo, with selectable time settings to suit your schedule.
Spreading the Charm of Calligraphy Worldwide: We offer special guidance for foreigners who love Japanese tradition, and also provide a service to gift your own calligraphy works as a one-of-a-kind special present to your loved ones or those to whom you are grateful, sharing it with the world.
Your Personalized Curriculum: Learning content and progress vary from person to person. With a tailor-made curriculum that reflects your needs, we support optimal learning experiences.
なぜ当社なのか?(Why Choose Us?)
(Our Calligraphy Class – A Place to Forge Heart and Skill)
1. 講師の多彩な背景と卓越した技術
1. Instructors with Diverse Backgrounds and Exceptional Skills
Our lead instructor is not just a calligrapher. With three awards from the Yamaguchi Prefecture Governor and featured accomplishments in the West Japan Newspaper, their skill is proven by numerous accolades (see photo on the right). Furthermore, their multifaceted knowledge, including insights into psychology, expertise in Oriental medicine, and qualifications as a pharmacist, brings depth to every stroke taught.
2. 心の動きを感じ取る指導
2. Teaching that Perceives the Movements of the Heart
Even a single character contains countless emotions and meanings. Our instructors, who have pursued the essence of calligraphy since childhood, discern the fluctuations of the student’s heart and physical balance, providing guidance to express that delicacy in writing.
3. 書道という心の武道
3. Calligraphy as a Martial Art of the Heart
Our classes are not merely a place to write beautiful characters. Within calligraphy lies the power to seek mental health and spiritual unity. We offer a path that brings forth that power, enhancing both mind and body.
(Experience Calligraphy Utilizing Zoom)
Enjoy the benefits of individual instruction, unattainable in typical group lessons. Prioritizing your needs and pace, we provide a learning environment that fits your lifestyle and desires, allowing you to learn freely. You can closely confirm the instructor’s brush movements and techniques. Also, you can receive real-time feedback on your brushwork and creations. The significant allure also lies in being able to learn with concentration in the relaxed environment of your home, without the hassle of commuting.
(Craft Your Own Masterpiece)
With our unique teaching method, we maximize the allure of calligraphy works that you create with your own hands. Craft a piece that is uniquely yours and experience the joy it brings through all five senses. Your self-made works can serve as a record of growth, be utilized as interior decor, and even be arranged as gifts. With traditional techniques and a modern approach, experience a new world of calligraphy that you can’t find anywhere else.
Our calligraphy class goes beyond merely writing characters; it’s a place to practice and polish both heart and skill. Won’t you discover a new you in this space?
Click here to inquire about this course

“Special Offer! Pay the registration fee and enjoy a lifetime of $0 monthly fees!
Ensure you don’t miss a single lesson with our easy rescheduling, available with prior notice – every lesson you pay for is a lesson you will take! Begin your unique learning journey by completing our smooth registration process, then choose your desired course and get started.”
入会金 (Registration Fee) |
¥5,500 税込 (Tax Included) | 入会金手続 (Registration fee procedure) |
月額費 (Monthly fee) |
\0 | |
交通費 (Transportation Expense) |
オンライン指導を除き、訪問指導では別途公共交通費(往復)の実費が加算されます。(目安:JR東京:田町駅からご自宅迄の公共交通費) With the exception of online course, actual public transportation expenses (round trip) will be added separately for on-site instruction. (Estimate: JR Tokyo: Public transportation cost from Tamachi Station to your home) |
書道講座 | ||||
コース名 | 時間 | 価格 (税込) |
概要 | 申し込み |
1. オンライン指導 (月謝) |
45分/2回/月 | \5,500 | 書道教室に入会頂いた後、オンライン指導により遠隔指導致します。自宅訪問により指導と組み合わせ可能です。 | |
2. 書の家庭教師 (月謝) |
90分/2回/月 | \19,800 | 書道教室に入会頂いた後、ご自宅に訪問し、個人のレベルにあわせて筆圧から筆の使い方を細かくレッスン致します。オンライン指導と組み合わせ可能です。 | 毎月初めに下記Subscribeボタンよりお支払いを完了下さい。Please complete the payment using the Subscribe button below at the beginning of each month. |
3. 単回集中コース | 120分/回 | \13,750 | 継続して習う目的ではなく、自分で書道作品を一つ完成させたい場合、ご自宅に訪問して集中指導致します。 |