経営理念 (Management Philosophy)
FS株式会社は”心・体・資産” 三位一体の
United in health of Mind, Body, and Wealth, We Actualize a Prosperous Life for all.
- 身体: 個々のニーズに最適な薬や食の選択を通じて身体の健康を最大化します。 Body: Through tailored choices in medication and diet, we maximize physical well-being.
- 心: 各個人の理想や目標に合わせた知識を深め、常に安定した心の調和を導きます。 Mind: Aligned with individual aspirations, we bolster knowledge and provide support for mental harmony.
- 資産: 生活ニーズや健康維持に向け、貯蓄及びより質の高い生活を実現する資金運用のガイダンスで経済的安定を促進します。 Wealth: Guiding savings for basic needs and future health, along with financial strategies for a prosperous life, we promote economic stability.
ビジョン (Vision)
A smile is the most precious gift. We tirelessly endeavor to amplify its presence.
ミッション (Mission)
1. 健康を軸とした情報サービスの提供:
Leveraging medical and pharmaceutical expertise, we disseminate essential information through consulting and lectures, contributing to better health.
2. 食の重要性の啓発:
Promoting a culinary culture centered on foods (Ex. mackerel’s nutrition), we aim for improved health and disease prevention.
3. 書を軸に心豊かになる作品の創造と提供:
Through the beauty of calligraphy, we advocate cultural exchanges and mental enrichment, delivering products that cater to the desires of customers worldwide.
4. 個人の財テク相談を含む地域の雇用・産業の活性化:
Centered in Yamaguchi Prefecture, we propel the health business, diligently supporting regional employment and economic growth, including asset management and financial consultations.
5. 世界的な精神の和の広がり:
企業精神を胸に世界に和の精神を広め、人々の精神的豊かさの成長を支援します。 Holding our corporate ethos dear, we spread the spirit of harmony across the world, nurturing people’s mental prosperity.
コアバリュー (Core Value)
1. 共感 (Empathy):
Deeply connecting with the hearts of our customers and stakeholders, we offer services and products grounded in profound understanding.
2. 革新 (Innovation):
Relentlessly seeking novel ideas and methods, we lead as pioneers in industry transformation.
3. 誠実さ (Integrity):
“Upholding transparency and authenticity, we solidify unwavering trust among our associates.
4. 適応力 (Resilience):
Adapting flexibly to change and adversity, we continuously embrace challenges with an undying spirit.
5.協働 (Collaboration):
Building formidable partnerships, we aim for co-creation of unmatched value.